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product name Product Description version number date
SS812CXX The SS812CXX Series is a three-terminal positive voltage regulator made using a CMOS process. The output voltage is fixed internally. The SS812CXX Series has higher accuracy of output voltage (±2.0%) and smaller input/output voltage difference (Vdif=0.12 V when Iout is 10 mA for SS812C50) than the SS812CXX Series 2022-05-22
TEST Automotive 2.2MHz Wide Input Voltage, Low IQ Synchronous Boost Controller with Disabled Bypass Mode 1.10 2022-05-01
AO3400A-30V, 5.8A, N-Channel Low Voltage MOSFET TheAO3400AcombinesadvancedtrenchMOSFETtechnologywithalowresistancepackagetoprovideextremelylowRDS(ON).ThisdeviceissuitableforuseasaloadswitchorinPWMapplications 2023-02-24


